Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Project - Light Play

This project was a great opportunity to focus on digital collage, one of my favorite aspects of digital imaging. The photos are all originals, taken in London and Amsterdam. All of the pieces featured start with one central image, with images of signs, light and graffiti "collaged" over the top using various blending modes. I thoroughly enjoyed this project and look forward to created more digital collages in the future. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Personal CD Cover Design

Original CD Cover Design - Haley Burns
Awake My Soul - Various Artists
All Original Images taken in Antwerp, Belgium

Awake My Soul is a record I created that represents the stage of my life I am currently in and the "enlightenment" I experienced while traveling in Europe this year. It features 18 tracks by various artists whose music and lyrics I feel a strong connection to.

Project 4B

Digital Painting - Master Study
Self Portrait in Girl With the Pearl Earring - Johannes Vermeer

Project 4

Project 4 - Digital Landscape Painting (Original Photo)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Surrealistic Photomontage

Untitled (Windowscape)

My intent for this photomontage was to portray an abstract urban scene, using collage and overlay techniques. I was inspired by photos I had found of various wall textures, as well as a few photos I captured in Mexico. I wanted my compilation to be rich in color and texture, however still maintain an overall unified design. I enjoyed combining images with contrasting textures and colors to create a vivid scene.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Project #2

Haley Burns - "Future Contemplation"

This four layer image illustrates the last year of my life as I sit on the stairs of Lincoln Hall, contemplating a switch from majoring in Business to majoring in Advertising Design.