Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Surrealist Artists

Traditional Example

Kurt Schwitters - Bild mit heller Mitte (Picture with Light Center)

Kurt Schwitters is a traditional surrealist artist who completed most of his works between 1919 and 1950. He is considered to be one of the classic Dada/Surrealist artists of his time period, as well as one of the masters of contemporary collage. His pieces are created through using mixed media including but not limited to paint, textiles, paper products, and other found objects. He is known for his exceptional abilities with color and balance throughout his composition. 


Modern/Digital Example

Jon Norris - Inkblots "Net"

Jon Norris is an experimental photographer who specializes in abstract urban scenes, as well as surrealism and altered reality through photography. He is currently working today, and has a fondness for experimenting with perception, the surreal domain, and what he calls "dream landscapes" and "inkblots" that you can see in his exhibits on his website www.dreamlandscapes.com. 

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